platform: features
Have questions regarding one of our features? Want more information? Need a case study on the feature? Let us know!

it's all in the details...
Our Dashboards allow you to view your budgets in various ways including P&L by Cost Center, P&L by Period, Budget Comparison and other custom reports.

Budgyt allows for you to quickly access your historical data instantly through hyperlinking. Drill down into General Ledger data at the transactional level.

Our intuitive UI/UX that delivers a Single Data Entry Point, Instant Navigation and perfectly formatted reports, resulting in the quickest user adoption rates.
Multi-P&L budgeting is now simplified with the ability to consolidate by entity, department, or sub-department within a hyper-linking environment.
Single Data Entry Point
All data is controlled from one place for easy learning and navigation
Easily add description, vendor or notes to any detail line for reference later
Categories can be assigned to one or more Departments
Instantly compare Actual data to Budget data
Enter data quickly using built in spreading tools
User permissions controlled at Category and Department level
Attach supporting documents to and sub-categories
Option to link data from complex calculations in Excel
Allocate Data equally, by % or by 4-4-5, 4-5-4 or 5-4-4
Instant Navigation
All Budgeted data is hyperlinked for rapid navigation and look up
Drill down to review underlying assumptions instantly including notes, description or vendor information
Budget to Actual Reporting is automatically organized by:
- Company
- Region
- Department
- Super Header
- Header
- Dimension
- Group
- Category
- Non-Financial Category
- Sub-Category
- Period (12 or 13 periods)
- User Permissions

Perfectly Formatted Reports
All reports export to Excel and are formatted by:
Super Header
Non-Financial Category
Category Notes
Period (12 or 13 periods)
User Permissions
Budget to Actual Comparisons for all Departments
Reports instantly distributed to all users according to their permissions
Easily accessible via the report library


> Make unlimited versions of your budgets
> Easily adjust assumptions to show different scenarios
> Control access to each version
> Clone any budget for instant versioning
Multi-Department Formulas
Our formulas are built specifically to handle structural changes in multiple department businesses.
Formulas are easy to make but hard to break
Navigating our formulas is intuitive and easy
Control which assumptions your users can view or edit
No need to learn any codes or syntax

User Permissions
Control what your users view or have access to:
Edit Data, View Data
Reporting access
Region Acccess
Department Access
Category view/edit rights
Approval over users submissions
Limit User access to certain accounts or departments for any user
Locked down data that can't be edited
Get the layered control over your data you can't get with Excel
Enjoy the collaborative Budgeting process the way it should be
Access historical data in seconds
Import Actual data via APIs or Manually using CSV. CSV via General Ledger report from your acccounting software. We will build you an excel template that converts your GL report into the importable file for budgyt. It takes 3-5 minutes each month to update your transaction history into budgyt.
We currently import direct via API with:
- Xero
- ConnectWise
More coming soon!
You can also import data via GL Upload in Calendar or Fiscal including 4-4-5, 4-5-4, or 5-4-4

Scalable as you grow
Our powerful "copy" features and built-in structure make budgeting simple for growing companies
Add new departments or categories in seconds and all reports remain perfectly formatted
Leverage our copy tools to update categories across multiple departments in seconds
Employee Module: Allocate Employees and manage any HR formula
Plan employee by hourly or salary for any department
Allocate employee payroll to one or more departments by dollar or percent. Ideal for non-profits.
Employee Dashboard to view and control expenses across department
Limit access to sensitive payroll information
Apply Payroll Taxes like Social Security and Futa Limits
Apply Bonus or Commissions easily by employee
Track and build Merit Increases for any period with notation
Use Hire and Terminate dates to control when payroll is active

Approval process
and workflow
Regain control over the budget process by enforcing users to submit data for approval
Ideal for expense control as well
Dashboards for Global Approval
Audit log for all submissions for approval and pending approvals
View data by Submitted, Pending or Approved
Track conversations around approvals or disapprovals

watch our 7 minute
intro video
watch a quick introductory video that will give you a basic overview of our business budgeting platform and its key features.